If you are running an older version of macOS, Biology IT can help you upgrade while maintaining your data.
How to upgrade
Due to limitations by Jamf (Apple Management System) and the new MacOS, Biology IT is unable to simply click a button and upgrade your machine remotely. The easiest way for you to get the new OS is to bring your machine to the Biology IT office. If you are unable to leave your machine with us we can attempt to upgrade your MacOS over a remote support session, but it may require another appointment in the future to resolve any issues that may come up.
Do I need to make an appointment? How would I do that?
No appointment is required. Walk-ins are welcome between 9am-4pm on ISU business days to 537 Science II.
However if you prefer to make an appointment you can do so by emailing biologyit@iastate.edu.
How long will it take?
1-2 days.
Will I lose any data?
No. MacOS upgrade is an in-place upgrade, meaning all data files will be intact after the process is completed.
Are there any known problems with upgrading?
Sonoma requires additional permissions from an administrator of the machine for certain tasks as listed below. These are permissions that only need to be granted once and we can resolve these issues as part of the upgrade process.
Known fixable problems we have encountered:
-Screensharing on Zoom/Webex
-Allowing Bomgar for remote support sessions