NREM faculty may reserve a laptop cart for teaching purposes. Note the Blue cart is decommissioned and no longer available.
- NREM Red Laptop Cart - 24 computers (Windows 11)
- NREM Green Laptop Cart - 25 computers (Windows 10)
- NREM Mini Laptop Cart - 6 computers (Windows 10)
Special Software Applications
- Microsoft Office 2021 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
- AnyLogic
- ArcGIS - GIS Mapping Platform
- ArcGIS Pro 3.0.x
- Dron2Map
- BehavePlus - Fire, Fuel, and Smoke Science Program
- Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) - Ecological/Ecosystem modeling
- ERDAS IMAGINE - Hexagon Geospatial
- EchoClass
- First Order Fire Effects Model (FOFEM)
- Fisheries Analysis and Modeling Simulator (FAMS)
- FIJI (ImageJ)
- GeoGebra - Graphing Calculator
- iTree
- JMP Pro 16.2
- Mendeley
- Metavist2 - Metadata editor for FGDC
- Iowa TIGER
- PathFinder Office - GNSS post processing tool
- SigmaPlot
- USDA Forest Service Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS)
Windows Instructions | Mac Instructions | Outlook 365 Mail
The laptop carts are scheduled using a Microsoft Exchange calendar. To reserve a laptop cart, open Microsoft Outlook, click on Calendar, then click on the Open Calendar button.
Once the Address Book dialog is open, do these four steps to view the calendar for the cart you wish to reserve:
- Type "nrem" in the search field.
- Select the cart you wish to reserve.
- Click OK.
You can now view the calendar and make a reservation.
The laptop carts are scheduled using a Microsoft Exchange calendar. To reserve a laptop cart, open Microsoft Outlook: Mac, click on Calendar button.
Click on Add Shared Calendar and do a search for nrem.
- Click on the 3 dots by Peoples Calendar, then click Add Shared Calendar
Type nrem in search box
Select the nrem calendar(s) you wish to add.
You can now view the calendar and make a reservation.
Outlook 365 Mail
- Login to Okta and then click on Outlook 365 Mail
- Then click on the Calendar icon
- Add calendar > Add from directory
- Type "nrem" and select each calendar for the carts
Login and select calendar
Click Add Calendar
Select Add from directory >> select your email account >> then search for NREM >> select laptop cart Calendars
Choose what list to add the Calendar to, then click Add.
After that you will be able to make reservations on the Calendar(s)