A common practice is for students and professors to share files using CyBox.
The Wrong Way
- Student creates a CyBox and puts some data in it from their research project.
- Student emails professor. Hey! Here's my stuff!
- Professor glances over it, loves the work and tells the student so. And makes a mental note to look at it when this busy semester is done.
- Student graduates.
- CyBox goes away.
- Professor finds time to look at that project...but it is gone.
The Right Way
- Professor makes a CyBox and shares it with the student, giving the student Editor or Co-Owner access.
- Student puts their research project in the shared CyBox.
- Student graduates.
- The files are still there, because the professor is the owner of the CyBox.
What to Do With Your CyBox Files If You Are Leaving
If you are leaving ISU, either because you are graduating or separating for some other reason, you must proactively make someone else the owner of your CyBox if you don't want the data to go away.
For step-by-step instructions, see CyBox: Change the Owner of a File/Folder from ITS.
Note that it is not enough to be a co-owner of a CyBox! When the owner leaves the CyBox will still go away; you must be the owner.
Best Practice
Remember this rule of thumb: if you want the files to persist, you should be the owner of the CyBox.