Iowa State University has digital font recommendations. One of these recommendations is to use the font called Nimbus Sans. This font is available through Adobe Typekit. ISU has a license to use the font for digital development. Nimbus Sans is the base font for the Suitcase theme. The font family is indicated in CSS as follows: 'Nimbus Sans','Helvetica Neue',Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;
The main heading is automatically created using the title field. See accessibility guidelines 1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence and 2.4.6 Headings and Labels for additional information regarding headings.
Main heading (h1)
36px, font-weight: normal, color: #333333
Sub heading (h2)
26px, font-weight: 500, color: #333333
Section header (h3)
1.25em, font-weight: normal, color: #333333
Sub section header (h4)
1em, font-weight: normal, color: #333333
Heading 5 (h5)
1em, font-weight: normal, color: #888888
Heading 6 (h6)
0.857em, font-weight: normal, color: #888888
Some text in a paragraph (p). Etiam nisl augue, ultricies id ex at, dignissim commodo ante. Quisque nisl ligula, vehicula nec velit nec, vulputate tempor odio. Nam dolor nisl, porta in diam ac, eleifend pellentesque sem. Nam eleifend pharetra turpis ut blandit. Maecenas ligula risus, euismod eu interdum et, varius in velit. Sed eu diam at sapien porta sagittis. Nam maximus pellentesque magna, quis rutrum enim tempor at. Aenean finibus iaculis neque, pellentesque dictum lorem fermentum interdum. Donec nec justo interdum, finibus lacus sed, consectetur augue. Proin sit amet risus neque. Nam ultricies odio a quam fermentum vehicula. Pellentesque maximus ac metus eu elementum.
17px, font-weight: normal, color: #333333
Bold paragraph text (strong)
17px, font-weight: bold, color: #333333
Italic paragraph text (strong)
17px, font-weight: normal, color: #333333, font-style: italic
- Unordered list item one
- Unordered list item two
- Unordered list item three
17px, font-weight: normal, color: #333333, padding-left: 3em
- Ordered list item one
- Ordered list item two
- Ordered list item three
17px, font-weight: normal, color: #333333, padding-left: 3em
Blockquote: Mauris pulvinar purus nulla, vel semper lacus semper at. Phasellus egestas maximus augue, et iaculis libero euismod id. Suspendisse dignissim hendrerit magna, in hendrerit urna tempus a. Vivamus a ullamcorper leo.
17px, font-weight: normal, color: #333333, border: 3px solid #f1be48, border-width: 0 0 0 3px