
Orth Research Group

Screenshot of the Orth homepage

I have used the Luggage platform to create a new departmental homepage and it works just great. Keeping the website up to date has been especially easy within Luggage, as responsibilities are shared among various users that are free to create their own content on the subpages they own. Style is modern and information is well displayed. The very good search function is a big plus. Getting monthly feedback about the usage of our website has been useful to optimize the parts that are accessed more frequently. -- Peter Orth


  • Featured Research
  • Filterable resources
  • People directory

Recent Luggage updates - Release 3.6.0

Thursday, November 1, 2018 - 10:00am to 10:30am

Please join us as we reveal some of the latest Luggage updates, in the process of being released!
Learn the latest feature additions and fixes! Meet Luggage release manager and developer, John Rearick.

  • Image auto rotation
  • Alternate text - required
  • News images display on homepage
  • News images appear when you share the link on Facebook
  • Accessibility updates
  • Alternate URL included on events
  • Video transcript
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Banner Best Practices

Thursday, March 7, 2019 - 10:00am to 10:30am

Join us to learn more about Banner Best Practices!

Banner example imageThe Luggage platform includes several options for creating an image of interest on your homepage or landing pages. We will help you determine the best kind of banner tool to use and reveal banner best practices for engaging images on your website.

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Website Analytics - An Introduction to the important data

Thursday, April 11, 2019 - 10:00am to 10:25am

Join us for an introduction to understanding your website analytics!

analytics chart and dataIn this webinar we will step into the Matomo website analytics monthly reports. Josh Tenney will take us on an analytics adventure through the ... "monthly report"! And highlight the important figures to track for your website.

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