
Luggage Site Builder

Luggage Site Builder: builds websites starting with Luggage.

We encourage Luggage Site Builders to retain the Luggage update/upgrade pathway and leverage the flexibility to extend luggage. Luggage is built to scale and stretch.

Meaningful Content

HTML elements like headings, subheadings, lists, and tables carry important meaning, and the correct use of these elements improves the experience and navigation for all users. Suitcase is built on a semantic HTML foundation, and content editors are equipped with the tools to create content with a meaningful structure.

Screencapture of a text editor showing proper use of Headings

Merging Terms in Taxonomy-Manager

Note: This tutorial is for websites which use the Taxonomy Manager

How to merge terms in the taxonomy-manager

Step 1: Search for the terms you want to merge

searching for terms

Select the vocabulary list and type the name of the term.

Note: Terms may have similar names so use the tid numbers for reference.

About Luggage

Luggage was a platform for creating websites, targeted at academic websites for departments and researchers.

Note: Luggage has been superseded by the ISU Sites+ platform.