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Text Formatting

How to use text formatting tools on a website

Step 1: Locate the text formatting buttons

The most frequently-used functionality of the WYSIWYG toolbar is probably the basic text formatting options: bold, italic, and underline. These buttons are located in between the superscript button and the quote button:

Quotes and Lists

How to utilize the quote and list buttons

Do you need to indent a section of your content, such as a block quote? Or do you have a list of items that you want offset from the rest of your text? The CK Editor allows you to perform both functions. This tutorial will walk you through both actions.

Step 1: Making a Quote

The quote button is located between the underline button and the bulleted list button. It is useful when you want to indent part of your text.


How to link and unlink content

Two important CK Editor features are the link and unlink buttons. Though the CK Editor does allow you to link to a site by simply pasting a URL into the text box, the link button is useful for embedding links. Here is where the link and unlink buttons are located on the CK Editor toolbar:

Screenshot showing link and unlink buttons

The Bottom Bar

How to utilize the bottom bar

The last item in the CK Editor we will cover is the bottom bar. Though most of the utility in the text editor is in the top toolbar, the bottom bar does have some uses.

Step 1:  Using the HTML Element Examiner

Let's start on the left side of the bottom bar. If you create a new page and look in the lower left hand of the body text editor, you will probably see a word and a letter, like in the example highlighted below:

Your Public Profile

How to set up your public profile

In this tutorial you will log in and edit the profile that will appear on the new website. Before you start, please locate a digital picture of yourself (a head shot). You will use this image in your profile. The objective is to create an official web presence within the department. We can get this done in 6 easy steps, so let's get started.

Hero Expanded Blocks

Hero Expanded blocks are a great way to display a small body of text with a pleasing background. If you wish to feature an image with minimal text, consider using a Hero block instead. 

In this tutorial, you will learn how to edit Hero Expanded blocks. 

Menu Blocks

Menu blocks are a useful way to add small menus of related content to any page. These blocks are especially useful in situations where you would like a tertiary menu. In this tutorial, you will learn how to edit menu blocks. 

Intranet - Getting Started

What is an Intranet?

An Intranet is information that is available to authenticated users only and not the general public. Content on an intranet may include departmental policy documents, etc.

Thinking about creating an intranet?

Below are some questions to think about when it comes to creating an intranet.

Who is your audience? 

Identify who will benefit from the intranet content.

Hero v Hero Expanded: What's the difference?

You might be wondering what the difference is between a Hero block and a Hero Expanded block. Below, we break it down as to what the differences are between the two and show you some examples. 

Productions, Show Credits, and Production Members

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a production, show credits and production members (cast and crew). On each production, there will be a congregated list of the members involved and links to their production member profiles.

Adding a Production 

Step One: Creating the Production

Using the menu bar at the top of the page, hover over “Content”, then “Add Content” and then select “Production.” (Note: your menu may look slightly different)
