
Luggage Roles and Permissions

Anonymous User

Anonymous user a user who is not logged in to the website. This user only has the ability to view published content.

Authenticated User

Authenticated User has several permissions to add content such as a page, news article, event, etc., however, this user may only edit their own content.

Content Editor

Content Editor has the ability to add content and edit all content. This user may also publish and unpublish any content on the site. 

Course Listings

Do you need to make a listing of the courses you are planning on offering? Our course content module allows for the addition of multiple course sections, course instructors, and course locations. This series of tutorials will lead you through the process of creating a course catalog for your Luggage site.

Before we get started, let's take a look at a finished course listing. Course listings are put into a table upon creation that allows the user to view the course identifier, title, year, and semester. Here is what our example course table looks like:

Course Locations

How to add a course location to any course

When creating a page for a course, the first thing that you should do is create the course location. Your course location will link the user to the course room's page on the Facilities Planning and Management website. You will see the course location in action when it is used to create a course section later on in this tutorial series.

Course Instructors

How to add an instructor to any course

The next course-related content that you will need to create is the course instructor page. The course instructor page allows you to provide a biography and a profile picture for the course instructor to help students learn about them. You will see the course location in action when it is used to create a course section later on in this tutorial series.

Course Sections

How to add a course section

We're almost done creating a course listing but there are still a few steps left. For this tutorial example, we're going to continue by creating a course section node. You'll be able to see how this module pulls information from all the different sources we've covered so far and brings them together into a cohesive resource.

Step 1: Creating a course section

Let's start by taking a look at all of the fields for our course section node:

Course Creation

How to pull everything together into creating a course

We're nearing the end of our course tutorial series. In this tutorial, we will bring together all of the pages that we've created so far into one course listing. If you were confused by the significance of all the components that we covered so far, this tutorial should address your questions.

Step 1: Adding the components of a course creation page

First, let's take a look at all of the components of the course creation page:

Sending Your Site's Content to Multisearch

Each Luggage site has a robust faceted search thanks to the luggage_solr feature.

But what if you want to search multiple Luggage sites at once, including faceted search by the combined categories and tags from each site? This tutorial shows you how to set up a Luggage site to send its content to a combined search server.

Determining Your Version of Luggage

As of Luggage 3.2.2 we've made it easier to query Luggage for its version number. There are two ways to get the version number: on the site status page, and via drush.

Version from status page

Go to admin/reports/status and find the version in the list of status reports

Luggage Version shown on Drupal site status page

Google Scholar Publications

How to add Google Scholar Publications to the Biblio module

In this tutorial, you will learn how to import your Google Scholar publications to a Luggage website. Please note that this tutorial only applies to older Luggage websites that have the Publications feature enabled. New websites use the Iowa State Digital Repository for publications. 

Delete content

How to delete content from a website

In this tutorial we will walk through two ways in which you may delete content. For example, if you add a page to your website, the steps below will show you how to delete the entire page.
