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Content Strategy Guide

Creating online content requires careful planning and consideration to achieve your goals, meet end user expectations and create an intuitive user interface. This guide has been created to share some recommendations and ideas to consider when generating digital information.

Intranet - Getting Started

What is an Intranet?

An Intranet is information that is available to authenticated users only and not the general public. Content on an intranet may include departmental policy documents, etc.

Thinking about creating an intranet?

Below are some questions to think about when it comes to creating an intranet.

Who is your audience? 

Identify who will benefit from the intranet content.

Hero v Hero Expanded: What's the difference?

You might be wondering what the difference is between a Hero block and a Hero Expanded block. Below, we break it down as to what the differences are between the two and show you some examples. 

Aaron Gassmann Laboratory | Department of Entomology

Aaron Gassmann Laboratory | Department of Entomology
Commercial cultivation of Bt crops began in 1996 and has provided many benefits to farmers and the agricultural community including effective management of key pests and reduced use of conventional insecticides. In 2012, Bt crops covered over 69 million hectares (170 million acres) worldwide. Most of this area was planted to Bt corn and Bt cotton. In Iowa, over 75% of the corn planted in 2012 produced at least one Bt toxin. The widespread use of this technology places intense selection on pest populations to evolve Bt resistance.


Iowa's AgDiscovery program helps teenagers learn about careers in Veterinary Medicine, Animal Science, Laboratory Technology and Wildlife Ecology. Students live on the Iowa State University campus and learn from university professors, scientists who work for the U.S. government, and local agricultural producers and animal welfare and management organizations.

Ambrosia Fungi - Harrington Lab

Ambrosia Fungi - Harrington Lab
Ambrosia fungi are a diverse group of species associated with ambrosia beetles, insects that rely on fungal agriculture to survive. They are currently known to be in two major groups: Raffaelea in the Ophiostomatales, and several genera within the Microascales, including Ambrosiella, Meredithiella, and Phialophoropsis in the Ceratocystidaceae and Fusarium. This site aims to be a source of information for all known species in both genera as well as a resource for methods for the successful isolation and identification of these fungi from beetle specimens.

An Iowa Legacy

An Iowa Legacy
The first Iowa settlers called for a new kind of college - one based on science and open to all; one dedicated to the education of the working people of Iowa. That was in 1846. Iowa had started building an ag college when the Morrill Act of 1862 passed. The timing was perfect, and Iowa was the first state to accept the provisions of the act.
