The first Iowa settlers called for a new kind of college - one based on science and open to all; one dedicated to the education of the working people of Iowa. That was in 1846. Iowa had started building an ag college when the Morrill Act of 1862 passed. The timing was perfect, and Iowa was the first state to accept the provisions of the act.
The Excellence in Extension Fund is designed to improve and enrich the quality of educational programs offered by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach.
The mission of Epsilon Sigma Phi is to foster the standards of excellence in the Extension System and to develop the Extension Profession and Professional.
ISU Extension Finance is responsible for managing ISU Extension's Federal & State allocation of funds, including: budgeting, analysis and financial reporting.
The Flooding and the National Flood Insurance Program is a series of web-based videos designed to educate local officials and the general public about floodplains, flood risks, and basic floodplain management principles.
The Flooding in Iowa Project is a series of web-based videos designed to educate local officials and the general public about floodplains, flood risks, and basic floodplain management principles.