
Luggage as a sub-site of another CMS

How to set up Luggage within a Wordpress root:

  • Separate the DocumentRoot(s):
    Luggage sites should be installed outside of the wordpress document root. For example, on one LAS web server, we are doing this in /srv/luggage/<deptcode>/<site>.
  • The Virtualhost should be modified to add an alias for the site under (and yet outside of) the wordpress installation.
# Drupal Luggage Aliasses

Determining Your Version of Luggage

As of Luggage 3.2.2 we've made it easier to query Luggage for its version number. There are two ways to get the version number: on the site status page, and via drush.

Version from status page

Go to admin/reports/status and find the version in the list of status reports

Luggage Version shown on Drupal site status page

Luggage Feature Examples

Note: For an overview of the many sites using Luggage, click the Showcase menu.

Below is a list of the various features available in the Luggage platform, with a few website examples for each.

Orth Research Group

Screenshot of the Orth homepage

I have used the Luggage platform to create a new departmental homepage and it works just great. Keeping the website up to date has been especially easy within Luggage, as responsibilities are shared among various users that are free to create their own content on the subpages they own. Style is modern and information is well displayed. The very good search function is a big plus. Getting monthly feedback about the usage of our website has been useful to optimize the parts that are accessed more frequently. -- Peter Orth


  • Featured Research
  • Filterable resources
  • People directory

Soybean Research Laboratory

Screenshot of the podcast page.

The Soybean Research Laboratory serves as a hub for field entomologists to collaborate on topics relevant to landscape ecology and IPM. Luggage and Suitcase Interim provide tools to make it easier.

I really appreciate the BIT group because they make building and revising websites so easy! The Luggage platform is easy to use, even for a non-technical people. Our group feels comfortable adding and modifying content, and the BIT group is quick to answer any questions we have regarding our website. -- Erin Hodgson


  • People directory
  • Filterable publications repository
  • Projects database
  • Podcasts

Luggage at a Glance


Mobile-First look-and-feel compliant with ISU standards and adapts to mobile devices.

WCAG 2.0 Level AA accessibility compliant out of the box. Born accessible.

Latest Technology with HTML 5 and CSS 3.

Editing Content and Viewing Revisions

Video created by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach IT

How to edit website content and view your revisions

In this tutorial, we will cover how to edit content. Sometimes, you will notice that your content has information that needs to be updated. Or perhaps you created an Announcement with a typo in the body text. Also, at the end of this tutorial, we will discuss how you can view revisions (if they are enabled on your Luggage site).

This tutorial uses the pages content type as an example, but each content type will have similar instructions.


How to create a project on your website

The project content type on Luggage is useful for showcasing research that your department has done. Listing grants and showing project start and end dates are some of the features that the project content type provides. Read this tutorial for more information about creating a project page.


Step 1: Creating Your Project

Using the menu bar at the top of the page, hover over the "Content" tab and select "Project" from the "Add Content" menu (Note: your menu may look slightly different):

Recent Luggage updates - Release 3.6.0

Thursday, November 1, 2018 - 10:00am to 10:30am

Please join us as we reveal some of the latest Luggage updates, in the process of being released!
Learn the latest feature additions and fixes! Meet Luggage release manager and developer, John Rearick.

  • Image auto rotation
  • Alternate text - required
  • News images display on homepage
  • News images appear when you share the link on Facebook
  • Accessibility updates
  • Alternate URL included on events
  • Video transcript
Event Type: 
