Search: Categories and Tags

Thursday, February 2, 2017 - 10:00am to 10:40am
Event Type: 

Happy Groundhog day! As Punxsutawney Phil searches for his shadow, let us explore the workings of excellent categories and tags for website search-ability. Luggage is founded on the concept of “search”. What does that mean? How is it useful? Why is this concept of search so important? We will answer all of these questions and more as we learn how to curate and encourage search!

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About Web Editor Webinars

Generally, sessions are held the first Thursday of each month at 10am.

The first 20 minutes of the webinar will be a presentation. The second 20 minutes will be office hours with website trainer(s), where you can ask questions about the topic of the day or any general website editing questions through the chat feature of Zoom. Sessions will be recorded and posted online.

Web Editor Webinars will be based on the Luggage platform developed by Biology IT with Iowa State University content editors in mind. Beyond the platform we will cover tips such as writing for the web and accessibility. Please join the conversation. All are welcome.

If you have questions about the webinars, interest in presenting, or topic ideas, please contact Ann Greazel (

categories and tags official transcript.pdf



Check out the webinar recording below.
