Ready, Set, Launch!

Thursday, January 3, 2019 - 10:00am to 10:30am
Event Type: 

LaunchAre you ready to launch your Luggage website?

Join us as we embark on the journey of launch. Learn steps that you can do to prepare for turning your website live. We will cover the steps below during this webinar and hope to see you there!


  • Are your redirects complete? (What is a redirect? We'll cover that.)
  • Do you have dummy content removed?
  • Empty pages removed or not published?
  • Are your internal links created as internal links?
  • Do all of your images have alt text?
  • Are all of your images uploaded to the server?
  • Has all content added to the live site been added to your preview site (new site)?


  1. What URL is your new site launching? ITS approval needed?
  2. Provide email approval to BIT team.
  3. Usually launch takes anywhere from 1-10 business days.


  1. Enjoy your new website!
  2. Receive email from BIT with your analytics information.
  3. Watch analytics month to month to see how your site is doing.
  4. Contact with any questions.