The Horticulture and Home Pest News website serves as a hub of expert information about gardening, landscaping, lawn care, home pest management, and much more. HortNews is built with the Luggage Drupal platform with the Suitcase theme from Biology IT.
After years (or was it decades) of struggling with an adequate but cumbersome web site for creating the Horticulture and Home Pest Newsletter, the BIO IT crew rolled a new, efficient newsletter website into the overall make-over of the diverse and duplicative consumer horticulture websites. Now our Extension horticulture information for home gardeners is gathered into one location with clear and easy access to the various components. The E-newsletter, specifically, is much easier and quicker to create now that web operations are intuitive and logical. -- Donald Lewis
- FAQs
- Encyclopedia
- People directory
- Social media integration
- Resources directory
- Video library
- more...