Menu Blocks


Menu blocks are a useful way to add small menus of related content to any page. These blocks are especially useful in situations where you would like a tertiary menu. In this tutorial, you will learn how to edit menu blocks. 

How to edit (General overview) 

  1. Find the Menu Block you wish to edit
  2. Hover over the upper right hand corner and a gear icon will appear
  3. Click “Edit Block”
  4. Edit the field(s) you wish to change. You can edit the Label, Title, Orientation, and Links. If you have questions about the Label or Title fields, please refer to our Content Cards guide. Below, you will find more information about the Menu Orientation and Links fields
     all menu block fields filled in
  5. Click “Save.”

Menu Orientation and Links

Menu Orientation

Menu blocks offer the option to display your links in either a vertical or horizontal layout.  

Vertical finished vertical block
Horizontal horizontal menu block example


Menu blocks are comprised of links. In order to add links, you will need to fill in the Title and URL fields for each link you add. The Title field is what text users will see and click on. The URL field is pretty straight forward. You simply need to paste the URL that you wish to link to. If you need help with how to link, visit our Linking/Unlinking guide. 

add another link button

To add more links, click the "Add another item" button and another line will appear. 

another link added


If you have questions about this tutorial, please contact Ann Greazel by emailing
