Mobile-First look-and-feel compliant with ISU standards and adapts to mobile devices.
WCAG 2.0 Level AA accessibility compliant out of the box. Born accessible.
Latest Technology with HTML 5 and CSS 3.
Free and open-source.
Compliant with State of Iowa Enterprise Operational Standard for Web Content Management System [pdf].
Single signon. Use your existing netid and password to log into your website.
Fast, accurate search. Your content is indexed for search automatically.
Tags everywhere. Related content finds each other.
Friendly, intuitive URLs. Google loves them.
Easy editing. WYSIWYG user interface makes updating content easy.
Automatic metrics. See how people are really using your site, what they are searching for, and more.
Eye-catching front page. Create your own banner images, as many as you want.
Events calendar. Upcoming seminars, brown-bag lunches, special events.
News items. Feature the latest awards or other important news.
Categories. Personalize your content for your site.
No bottlenecks. Content management privileges can be distributed as needed.
Supported. Monthly meetings to discuss issues and improvements. IRC channel.
Open. Developed on Github with contributions welcome. Architected so that other institutions can easily use it.
Publications can be imported directly from Google Scholar.
Videos from YouTube and Vimeo can be easily embedded.
New features like podcasting are being developed and you will get them too!
Projects and Grants can be easily displayed.
Adaptable for college, department and lab sites.
Find content using your own words.
Want to know more? See About Luggage.