Hero v Hero Expanded: What's the difference?


You might be wondering what the difference is between a Hero block and a Hero Expanded block. Below, we break it down as to what the differences are between the two and show you some examples. 

  Hero Hero Expanded
Purpose Feature image with a very small amount of text Feature longer amount of text, using image as a decorative background
Title Title is the only text in Hero blocks Title is the largest text in Hero Expanded blocks
URL With Hero blocks you have the option to add a URL to link to a page Hero Expanded blocks do not offer the option to add a URL. However, text can be linked in the caption. 
Caption Hero blocks do not have captions. The title functions as a "caption"  Captions are smaller text in Hero Expanded blocks
Caption Color and Position Both Hero and Hero Expanded have the ability to change the caption color and position
Icon and Text size.  Hero blocks allow you to add an icon if you wish and change the text size as well Hero Expanded blocks do not offer the ability to add an icon on change the text size
Image Entire image will always be displayed Some of the image may be resized in order to fit the entire caption

Hero screenshot

Click on the image to view it on a larger scale

hero ex screenshot

Click on the image to view it on a larger scale

So which should I use? 

For more focus on the image itself, use a Hero block. For more focus on the text, use a Hero Expanded block. 
Remember, though, neither of these blocks is meant to replace a page. If you have a lot of text, use either of these blocks to link to a page instead. 

For more information on how to edit each of these types of blocks individually visit either the Hero Blocks or Hero Expanded Blocks page. 

If you have questions about this tutorial, please contact Ann Greazel by emailing websupport@iastate.edu.
