Delete content


How to delete content from a website

In this tutorial we will walk through two ways in which you may delete content. For example, if you add a page to your website, the steps below will show you how to delete the entire page.

Way 1: Delete content using the "Edit" tab

  1. Log in
  2. Go to the page you would like to delete
  3. Select the edit tab
  4. Click "Delete" at the bottom of the edit options

Delete button under publishing options

Way 2: Delete content using the  "Content" list

  1. Log in
  2. Go to "Content" or "My Content" at the top of the admin menu
  3. Find the title of the content you wish to delete (note that you use filter options at the top to sort content)
  4. Click "delete" to the right of that title

delete content in list
