These instructions show you how to have email from a specific email address deleted as it comes in so it does not show up in your inbox.
Set Up a Rule in Outlook
Outlook allows you to create rules that match criteria and then perform actions.
To get started, log in to Okta at and click on Outlook to reach the web interface for Outlook.
Once you are in Outlook, click on the settings gear at the upper right of the screen.
This will bring you to the page on which you can create a rule by clicking Mail, Rules, then Add new rule:
Create the rule to match the incoming email address by adding a condition From and typing the specific address, then choose Delete as the action:
After you click Save, the new rule will look at any incoming email, and if it is from it will delete the email and you will not see it in your inbox.
No Friday Ice Cream - Creating a Rule with Multiple Conditions
What if you want to discard mail but only sometimes?
Suppose you have a friend who sends out emails on various topics, including a weekly email about going out for ice cream on Friday afternoons. This annoys you because you work hard in the lab on Friday afternoon and can never go.
Here is a rule that combines the sender and the subject. Messages from your friend about Friday ice cream will be discarded but other mail from your friend will continue to arrive.
Add a condition for Subject includes and type Friday Ice Cream, then a condition for From and the specific email address. Add the action to Delete.